Peatart Recycle Project
re-use glass with peat
Peatart Recycle Project
re-use glass with peat
Peatart re-cycle project recycles all kind of glass, as wine bottles, pots and old vases. By covering the glass objects with a layer of peat it will have a second life as a piece of art. Visual artist Dioni ten Busschen experiments with these two materials and it results in a beautiful serie of Peatvases inspired by the forms and colours of the forests and special by funghi.
A second Peat-Art life for plastic waste
re-use of plastic waste
This project is about the reuse of waste plastic with the use of peat. Plastic waste is really a problem. Its even hard to buy something without plastic packing! This lamp is made of waste plastic of one day. The forms of the plastic pieces are getting wonderful if you put them together with a layer of peat. Now it gets a new surprising form.